Community, Vocational and Youth Activities

Community Service, Vocational Service and working with young people have been described as the 'shop window' of Rotary, concerned with the work done by Rotarians in the local area.

Fund raising activities include:

 -  Easter and Christmas collections

 -  Pudding Club

 -  Race Nights

Activities include:

 - Christmas party for local Senior Citizens

 - Leonard Cheshire Disability, Greenacres residential establishment

 -  packing Grab Bags for injured service personnel at Troop Aid

 -  litter picking

 -  packing for the Buddy Bag Foundation

 -  marshalling local events, eg 7 Pools Run, Birmingham Triathlon

 Organisations supported include:

 - Good Hope Hospital

 - Midlands Air Ambulance

 - The Holly Trust

 - Erdington Foodbank

 - Birmingham Crisis Centre

 - Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY)

Youth Activities

Investing in young people is a high profile commitment emphasising that working with and for tomorrow's leaders will lead to a greater international understanding amongst young people.

Activities include:

 - Dictionaries for Life

 - Football competition for local school children

 - Kids Out

 - Holidays for young people

 - Homestart

 - Hosting Rotary District Special Needs Football Festival

 - Rotary Junior Community Awards

 - Square Peg Foundation

 - Wilson Stuart School

 - YMCA Sutton Coldfield

 - Youth Speaks

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club aims to increase environmental awareness and to promote environmental protection within the community, encouraging environmental sustainability.


Rotary works on the world stage.


Community Service, Vocational Service and working with young people have been described as the 'shop window' of Rotary, concerned with the work done by Rotarians in the local area.


The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.


Whilst many people associate Rotary with fund raising, there is the very important aspect of fellowship with other members, their partners and friends.
