more Visit to Saltzburg Austria contact Wenche for details
more The club had a display in aid of the End Polio Now campaign in Priory Meadow.
more Food demonstration and meal at the Fish Cafe Rye
more Foudation Grant supports local Friary Gardeners
more Nick Hollisworths trip to Singapore
more Our spaker was Milton Frary of the Wheelchair Foundation UK
more News letter and School report
more 7:30 at the home of Peter Andrews
more Proposed programme for 2012/13
more Collection at Tesco Store
more In support of the DG's Theme of Giving Children a Childhood
more Music and Dance Show At Claremont Prep School
more Giving Children a Childhood
more Held at J Osborne's
more Nick Marshall
more The Don McMath School
more Visit by our contact club to celibrate our 90th Charter
more First meeting of the new year
more Held at the home of Peter Andrews
more 19:30 At the home of Peter Armstrong