PR, Internet and Other Communications

This committee exists to provide PR and communications between the members and also to provide links to non members through the web site and Facebook.

Mike Clewes (Chair), M. Atif,

Marketing PR & Communication

To communicate effectively with our wider community, it is imperative that club members let the PR Chair Mike Clewes and Atif for Facebook know in advance if there is something which they are going to do which will be newsworthy. Then supply them with interesting photographs of the event. Please remember pictures of Rotarians giving out cheques are rarely interesting whilst those of pretty girls and young children and even Rotarians actively doing something are. At the moment this never happens.

From a PR aspect I am please to note that this will be the last year that RI insist on having a different theme and logo each year. As this can’t be used outside of Rotary because it would confuse the general public I have never seen the purpose. So say hello to this year’s “Magic of Rotary” because the real magic is that we can concentrate on promoting the Rotary brand.


Mike Clewes will continue as Webmaster with Alan Arthur and John Barrow as his deputies.  Members are requested to submit reports on events, meeting speakers and any other articles of interest as and when appropriate.

Facebook   ( 

Atif has started a Facebook page with links to the club website with a view to spreading the word about the activities that we undertake.

Mike ClewesContact Mike Clewes about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

PR, Internet and Other Communications sub-pages:

Internet Communications

more The club no longer produce a printed bulletin preferring to keep the web site up to date with our activities as it can be read by a much wider audience. This website ( is our main form of communication nowadays.