The Inner Wheel Club of Ely

The Inner Wheel Club of Ely


The Inner Wheel Association was founded in support of Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland during the 1920's, became international in 1967 and now has clubs in 98 countries. Belonging to Inner Wheel gives members the opportunity to share friendships in Clubs and Districts throughout the world.

The Inner Wheel Club of Ely formed in 1948, is linked to the Rotary Club of Ely. We usually meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month [excluding August] at the Old Dispensary, St Mary's Street, Ely commencing at 7.30pm.

Current Officers
President Joy Hockey
Vice President    Julia Smith
Immediate Past President Mary Rone
Treasurer Jenny Axford
Secretary Constance Heald
Overseas Organiser

     Betty Flack &

Helen Shanassy

Club Correspondent     Diana Goldstein
Membership Mary Rone

For further details, please contact the Secretary, Constance Heald 01353 775391 or email

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary events in the near future


Reports and photos on recent club events Select from individual pages below

Some of our members raising funds for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity at their 5k fun run in Ely 2019

Donations made by the club during the Rotary year 2020-21


The organisations below are current sponsors or supporters of the Rotary Club of Ely See also the linked website for Aquafest which contains more information about specific sponsors of that evevnt.


The Inner Wheel Club of Ely
