An afternoon with Franc Pontais

Wed, Apr 3rd 2013 at 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Fund raising afternoon for Shelter Box

How to tie a chef's apronAdding layers to a terrineInternational Committee organised an afternoon with French Chef, Franck Pontais.  Franck, now a local Beccles man, trained in France and has made some UK TV appearances as well as publishing a recipe book. 

We were treated to facinating demonstrations of how to easily smoke salmon and sausages, make a layered terrine, prepare a cold emulsion, create chocolate sculptures and butter display flowers.  Franck very generously passed on several tips for making life easier whilst being creative in the kitchen; starting with the very basics of the best way to tie your chef's apron, to how to safely chop and slice whilst preparing ingredients using the "Walberswick Crab Method".

Due to the generousity of Franck, his assistant Sheba, his Sound Technician (Summer Studios), and The Pavillon at Southwold, the afternoon was a great success raising 

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