Our next meeting on Friday 14th February sees Geoff Combs receiving our clubs presentation on behalf of the Bobby Van Scheme. Someries supports this venture in home safety help for the aged, infirm and vulnerable and has done so for a number of years now.
We are also actively engaged in the Luton Joint Clubs Bandstand Project for Wardown Park. Further details of this will follow after Friday's meeting.
You are more than welcome to join us for food and friendship at 7.00am for 7.15am breakfast.
more We organise a Classic Vehicle Show annually. The show is open to any kind of vehicle over 30 years old.
more The Rotary Club of Luton Someries has been collecting non-recyclable materials since July 2012.
more Literacy Service within Luton Schools
more Community Emergency Support - formerly Rotary Resilience.
more David Bates Memorial Fund
more Home Library Volunteer Service
back The Rotary Club of Luton Someries (Chartered 1993) takes its name from Someries Castle situated to the south of Luton.