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We are all delighted that the Mercy Ships Challenge to raise $1 has been completed
moreCountdown to World Environment Day, choose a task every two weeks to help out the Enviroment.
moreIn the next 30 days...
Friday 20th December 2024 - Friday 19th December 2025
RC Hitchin Tilehouse Carer's Cafe in Church House run by the Primary Care Network and Rotary. All welcome for chat and friendly advice. Just turn up and stay as long as you want. From 10am -12 noon.
Sunday 9th February 2025
RC Welwyn Garden City 13 Lemsford Village Entry £3 children free
moreRotary is an organisation that provides ordinary people with extraordinary opportunities to do more with their lives than they ever thought possible. Opportunities come along all the time but the trick is to be able to recognise that opportunity. The only difference between a small opportunity and a great one is what you do with it.
Rotarians within the 57 clubs of this district are presented with opportunities every day - we have been fortunate this year to have witnessed many of those small opportunities grow into something of lasting benefit to individuals and communities both at home and abroad.
The Rotary Foundation, our charity, is an ideal vehicle to be able to transform an opportunity in this Centenary year of The Rotary Foundation. Clubs in District 1260 have been very active with grants both District and Global in doing good in the world. District grants have been used to supplement club funds by:
Global Grants this year have included:
By reversing a Global Grant we have, with financial assistance from the Rotary Club of Bloomington, Minnesota, provided 15 Public Access Defibrillators at locations nominated by clubs across our three counties.
Clubs in District 1260 have been very supportive of the Rotary in Britain and Ireland 'Purple4Polio' awareness campaign - planting 10,000 crocus corms, organising Jam and Tea events and displaying the children's iron lung at many events and venues.
This initiative has almost doubled our annual contribution to End Polio Now.
Rotarians you need to login using either your Club Template or RIBI Username and Password details to access the Members Only section of the site.