
Fri, Sep 20th 2024 at 10:30 am- Sun, Sep 22nd 2024 - 12:30 pm

Breakaway is a 3-day residential break for children and young people with physical or learning disabilities

Breakaway is a 3-day residential break for children and young people with physical or learning disabilities and provides the opportunity for young people to experience a varied range of activities in a fully supported, safe and secure environment.  Breakaway residential is provided at Lodge Hill, a specially adapted, fully accessible children’s centre in West Sussex where specialist staff run an action packed programme of various challenges and fun activities for young people. They can experience abseiling, canoeing, zip wire, archery, rifle shooting, swimming, team games and much more. For many it is the only opportunity of a holiday during the year. Any children or young people nominated, living in Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Brighton and Hove may apply via SASBAH ( either by themselves or through alternative referral routes.

Our next Breakaway residential will take place on 24, 25 and 26 September 2021.

Every year since 2007 this special project has been jointly organised and run by Rotary Club of Eastbourne AM together with SASBAH (Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus) who provide the project with the required special needs and care elements: SASBAH staff, carers and nurses are in attendance at all times throughout the break. Full risk assessments are undertaken and the event is covered by insurance.

Breakaway is designed to benefit different people in different ways….

For young people Breakaway provides fun and exciting residential breaks for those with any physical and/or learning disabilities where they have new experiences and spend time with others in a similar situation. It is often the only opportunity they have to be away from home, meet new people, try new and challenging activities and not be judged. Throughout this project we have seen a significant shift in personal ambition among the young people, with recognition that, with the necessary support, those with these significant disabilities do ‘have a life’ and are not (as with previous generations) resigned to a dependency culture.  The evidence is that this residential break provides an important element in the developmental progress towards adulthood and greater independence: Breakaway page image 2

  • Learning new skills
  • Building self-esteem by mastering challenges
  • Increase in social skills, and in relationship building
  • Reduction of feelings of rejection and isolation
  • General psychological and emotional uplift of a holiday away from home, increasing levels of wellbeing

Respite care for families and carers, some of whom have no other 3 day break. Many parents or carers take the opportunity to come along and take part and meet other parents with similar issues and generally help out.

Young Rotarians – Our Interact club members attend activities planned over the residential break and they buddy-up with a disabled young person for the day. This provides them with new skills and experiences and it can also count as volunteering hours towards accredited qualifications.

Volunteers with special needs are also taken along on the break to help with the general care of everyone present. This gives them a support opportunity which in turn helps to raise their self-esteem and confidence.

Rotarians attend and volunteer their time to help with catering, entertaining, transporting and any other jobs that need doing. Breakaway is an opportunity for Rotarians to truly give service-above-self. At least 10 Rotarians are there at any time.

Please support our very special project with your sponsorship of £250 per young person.

We, ……………………………………

pledge the sum of

£ ………………………

In support of ……… young people to attend our next Breakaway event;

or pledge to sponsor ………… young people to attend Breakaway on a regular annual basis and contribute £……………..… p.a. by standing order.

Contact: ..……………………………………..

Address: ……………………………………….


Tel: ……………………………………………….

Email: …………………………………………..

Please make cheques payable to Rotary Club of Eastbourne AM and return together with this form to our treasurer Patrick Trowell, 50 Patcham Mill Road, Stone Cross, Pevensey BN24 5PA.

For Bacs payments or standing orders, please use Acc. No. 386900625, Sort Code 52-41-00, ref. Breakaway


Mike CrossContact Mike Cross about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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