Roll out the barrel. Mike Parry & Rod Brocklehurst rolled barrels from Rhyl to Prestatyn and back and raised through sponsorship over £600 for ROTB, a rotary charity supplying caravan water barrels to Africa.
Females in Africa normally carry heavy water containers on their heads frequently causing Spinal injury.
Our Response to the Phillipines Hurricane Disaster
An initial donation of £200 is to be sent immediately by the Rotary Club of Rhyl to help the millions of people whose lives have been devastated by the disaster that has struck in the Philippines.
Members voted unanimously at their meeting at Faenol Fawr to despatch this sum from their charitable fund without delay, to be augmented by a special public collection being arranged for Thursday 21st Nov at the Asda superstore at Kinmel Bay.
Past President Rod Brocklehurst, chairman of the club's International Committee, said he was grateful to the Asda management for so readily agreeing to allow the collection to be held at such short notice. It was a gesture that reflected the overwhelming sense of urgency and strong desire to respond quickly and effectively to the tragic events and huge loss of life.
"I'm sure the general public, who are always so supportive of Rotary's efforts to bring relief and succour to those facing such an unimaginable tragedy, will want to take this opportunity to reflect their compelling wish to do something tangible to help those in their desperate time of need," he added.
The incomparable life-saving value of Rotary's upgraded Shelter Boxes increasingly being widely deployed in disaster area across the globe, were glowingly extolled in a talk by past President Rod Brocklehurst at the club's weekly meeting at Faenol Fawr.
In his current role as chairman of the club's International committee, the speaker, a former Headteacher at Rhyl High School, said the strategic use of the Shelter Boxes was currently proving of immense significance to those in desperate need of effective and urgent help in the stricken Philippines.
Each Shelter Box, he reported, contained vital items ranging from pure safe water, insulated tents big enough to house and sustain a family of 10 people for six months, warm full-body clothing to ancillary equipment and even a cooking stove, all designed to overcome a life-threatened peril for millions smitten by one of the world's most severe typhoons in history.
Costing between £200 to £600 each, the purposeful Shelter Boxes were now regarded as a primary source of help for devastated victims finding themselves suddenly deprived of almost all essentials for survival.
Thanks to the massive beneficial input from Rotary's refined Shelter Box scheme, stockpiles were now available for immediate despatch to any part of the world where they were required.
The transportation and rapid response delivery of the Shelter boxes, stored and ready for despatch from numerous key inter-continental locations, was being overseen by specialist teams of trained volunteers numbering more than 200, all dedicated and committed to their critical and compassionate role.
The speaker thanked his own members for their recent support in raising over £625 to be donated with gift-aided enhancement to help relieve the immense suffering in the dire Philippines and also to the public for their generous ready support.
President Tony Thomas warmly thanked the speaker for his moving talk in highlighting such a worthy cause that once again identified Rotary at the forefront in delivering on its changeless motto of Service above Self.