Recognition and Presentations

Well known local auctioneer, Barbara Kirk, was presented with her Penzance Rotary membership certificate and lapel pin, by President Nigel Clark, when members gathered for a social lunch in February (2025).

Barbara Kirk receiving her membership certificate and lapel pin from President Nigel Clark.

Barbara, who joined Rotary last summer, shortly before her retirement, is a long time supporter not only of Rotary's work but also of other local voluntary organisations that serve our community. In particular, Barbara has provided invaluable advice and support to the Rotary Shop, Penzance over many years - a commitment for which she was recognised by our colleagues in Mounts Bay Rotary Club with the award of a Paul Harris Fellowship.

For most people, retirement presents an opportunity to devote more time to the things that are important to us, and for some, that means an opportunity to give a little back to our community.

If you are interested in knowing more about the many ways that Penzance Rotary could enable you to 'give a little back' to your community, contact us through this page or via our website at or email . . .


Congratulations to Sue Home and Lynn Symons, who became 'Paul Harris Fellows' in recognition of the very considerable level of committment that they have each made to the Rotary Shop of Penzance, over its first ten years of trading.

- Lynn Symons and Russell Whitlock -

Their presentations took place at the 10th Birthday celebrations for Rotary Shop volunteers (the shop has no paid staff).

Thank you to the YMCA in Alverton Road for providing a venue for the celebrations, and to the Duke Street Cafe in Newlyn for providing a cream tea for all the volunteers.

Sue Home received her Paul Harris Fellowship from Penzance Rotary President John Underhill.

Lynn Symons received her Paul Harris Fellowship from Mounts Bay Rotary President Russell Whitlock.

Jon SymonsContact Jon Symons about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Recognition and Presentations sub-pages:

Sanj Srikanthan - CEO. ShelterBox

ShelterBox CEO enlightens President's Night

more CEO, Sanj Srikanthan was guest of honour and speaker at Rtn, John Underhill's 'President's Dinner'.

L to R. Secretary Des Hosken, President Matt Martens welcoming Rtn. Robin Butler, Rtn. Nick Clift.

Welcome to Rtn. Robin Butler

more Induction of Robin Butler as a member of the Club at our Christmas Lunch in The Queen's Hotel.

President's Handover 2018

more President Matt Martens, seen here having received the Rotary Club chain of office from Immediate Past President Laurie Forde. The handover took place at the club's lunch meeting in The Queen's Hotel yesterday.

Welcome Julie Treneer

more In June we were delighted to welcome new member Julie Treneer.