more Here's a photo from the archives
more Blaize members attended their annual Walking Weekend at Longmynd (one of the H F Holidays properties) which is set in a wonderful elevated location above the town of Church Stretton.
more The annual Presidents' Hello/Goodbye (when we traditionally celebrate the handover of office from one President to another) was at the Glen Public House Gilstead Lane Bingley BD16 3LN at 1pm.
more The annual walk around Wensleydale took place on Sunday the 29th of July.
more The annual Presidents' Hello/Goodbye (when we traditionally celebrate the handover of office from one President to another) was a barbecue held at Alan and Marjorie's home.
back Rotary is not just about doing good deeds but also about enjoying yourself and this committee organises social activities. This page contains an archive of some of our activities.