(Christmas) Music Quiz by Mike Dean

Tue, Nov 24th 2015 at 7:15 pm -

Two evenings of good Rotary fellowship took place on Thursday 19th  and Tuesday 24thNovember respectively. The first was a round of the District Quiz  held at Llanfairfechan/Penmaenmawr  Rotary Club. In a very hard fought contest and having been behind for a majority of the contest Llandudno eventually prevailed .


The second was a social evening for the Rotarians and their guests. It took the form of a musical quiz  devised and presented by Mike Dean.

He entitled it  a ‘Musical Cacophony’. The questions were multi -  choice and covered a wide range of different musical tastes such as opera , light opera, pop, and jazz. The eventual winner was, of course , Phil (Mr. Music) Jones with the runner up Past District Governor Mike Clutton .

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