Mike Dean

Tue, Dec 8th 2015 at 7:15 pm -

"The Rock and Roll years"

The speaker on Tuesday 8th December was club member Mike Dean whose address was ‘The Rock and Roll Years’ and he took the assembly from his start with personal  recordings from the radio, then at school with an embryonic disco, through his experience in promoting gigs at university and broadcasting in St Helena whilst he was working there in a different capacity.


He experienced interesting interactions with the BBC particularly whilst at university and trying to promote bands. During this period he met such pop luminaries as The Sex Pistols (John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten) and the Boom Town Rats (Bob Gerldorf) just before they became famous.


Following university he did some disc jockey work as well as Yorkshire Community Radio and auditioned for the BBC .None of this was his day job but constituted  a highly entertaining talk. However, as Mike and Noel Coward say ‘ Don’t put your daughter on the stage Mrs Worthington’

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