We raised around £2,700 for Alzheimer's/Dementia as part of past President David Hynes's charity. The project at Hayne Road cost us around £1,200 including the provision of compost, pots, garden tools and plants.
During June and July 2015, a team from the club prepared the site - removing tree trunks and laid a concrete base. The shed was then put together from a flat pack last and was ready for the Centre's open day.
Wednesday 9th September was a day to remember. We formally handed the Potting Shed over to Mike Ricketts (the Vice Chairman of BLM Board) for use by the MindCare Centre - although they had clearly been making good use of it already! The shed will provide greater opportunity for those living with dementia to engage in stimulating and therapeutic gardening activities.
Our group of Rotarians included, Nick our President this year David (last years President), Dinah and Geoff who were part of the construction team. Brian, Linda and Sandra came along to support us and after the handing over we were entertained to wonderful professional singing and cream cakes! Some of us were even tempted to a little dance along with the clients, staff and helpers of the Centre
Great to see Rotary in Action and to know that we have brought enjoyment and fulfilment to the over 150 dementia sufferers who use the Centre each week.
more Traditional Christmas lunch for members and guests
more The British Legion Poppy Appeal in Beckenham & Bromley
more A welcome return to the Dulwich & Sydenham Hill Golf Club
more Annual marathon swim for a charity
more Traditional Christmas lunch for members and guests
more Collecting for childrens' charities.
more The British Legion Poppy Appeal in Beckenham & Bromley
more Supper with jazz in support of End Polio Now
more Helping tidy our local area
more A new playhouse for the children
more A return visit to a favourite holiday hotel
more A welcome return to the Dulwich & Sydenham Hill Golf Club
more Santa and his sleigh and collecting in local stores
more Supper with Jazz ... for charity
more The British Legion Poppy Appeal in Beckenham & Bromley
more A club initiative to help provide children with access to on-line learning
more Record results from the fourth Swimalong
more A return to Eastbourne after four years.
more A walking trip and holiday, originally planned for June 2020 ...
more This event is to support the work of Demelza and our President's charity this year, BECOME.
more Each Rotary year our new President chooses a charity which the club supports.
more Santa and the Christmas Sleigh
more Collecting in Beckenham for the Royal British Legion
more A traditional Christmas lunch for members and guests at the Park Langley Club
more The Christmas Season starts in Beckenham with switching on the lights along the High Street.
more Poppy Collection in Beckenham - 2019
more This year the swimmers achieved more than a marathon in support of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution
more District Conference 'Engage 2019' was held for the second time at the University of Kent in Canterbury.
more A fun day in the sunshine, in support of local charities
more A walking trip on the Isle of Wight, organised by Bill Fairhall
more The 11th Unofficial Poppy Walk, to raise money for the Royal British Legion, took place on 2nd June 2019
more Cllr. Nicholas Bennett with President Tony Power
more After a break of a few years, we return to the Langley Park Golf Club
more Skating Fun in Battersea Park
more The International committee raise funds at their annual quiz night and fish 'n chips supper for international charities.
more The Christmas Season starts in Beckenham with switching on the lights along the High Street.
more The Poppy Appeal in Beckenham is organized each year by Rotary Beckenham on behalf of the British Legion
more A weekend visit to the bridges over the Rhine
more In support of "End polio Now" and organized by our District 1120
more Swimmers attempt a marathon in support of BBC Children in Need
more The District Conference 2018 was held in Canterbury at the University of Kent.
more A walking holiday through the Cotswolds, organised by Bill Fairhall
more An annual circular walk in London to raise money for the British Legion Poppy appeal
more President's Night, hosted this year by President Peter White and Tricia at the Dulwich and Sydenham Golf Club.
more A lunch to celebrate the 84th anniversary of the first meeting of the founding fathers.
more An evening of wine tasting with a 'Call my Bluff' quiz to identify the wines.
more The International committee raise funds at their annual quiz night for an international charity and this year we are supporting Medecins sans Frontieres
more Thursday 15th February, a presentation by the Royal Navy to members with our wives and partners and guests from other local clubs.
more Christmas lunch with our wives and partners at the Park Langley Club.
more Santa assisted by President Peter, collecting for local children's charities
more A joint response from Rotary Beckenham and Rotary Langley Park to the challenge set by the President of Rotary International.
more A children's party in the church.
more The Poppy Appeal in Beckenham is organized each year by Rotary Beckenham on behalf of the British Legion
more A presentation of a portrait is planned for later this year. Richard Shaw explains the background to District Governor, Carol Vizzard who visited the club on 7th September.
more Christmas presents for children in hospitals and orphanages in Moldova
more Swimming marathon for an international charity
more This year, the District Conference was held in Bournemouth
more Jacob Khun from Jordan is the Rotary Global Student we will support this year.
more A celebration to mark the centenary of the Rotary Foundation
more An August Saturday morning in Battersea Park
more Supporting our local railway station in their annual Fun Day
more A walking holiday through the Sussex National Park, organized by Bill Fairhall
more An annual circular walk in London to raise money for the British Legion Poppy appeal
more A weekend visit to the D-Day landing beaches
more The International committee raise funds at their annual quiz and fish 'n chips supper night for a charity chosen each year. This year we are again supporting Medecins sans Frontieres
more An annual dinner to celebrate the Goodwill Christmas Tree successful collections for another year and to hand over donations to representatives from the local children's charities we suoort.
more Christmas collecting for local charities
more Annual collection for the Royal British Legion in Beckenham
more Supporting children in hospitals and orphanages in Moldava
more This year our District Conference was held in Eastbourne
more Goodwood, West Sussex, 26 miles
more Mounika Parimi from Redlands, California, USA is the Rotary Global Student we will support this year.
more A walking holiday in the Brecon Beacons in June 2016
more An annual circular walk in London to raise money for the British Legion Poppy appeal
more President's Night, hosted this year by President Nick Randall and Angela in a new setting.
more In support of our President's charity this year - National Osteoporosis Society
more Members try out something really different ...
more The International committee raise funds at their annual quiz and fish 'n chips supper night for a charity chosen each year; this year we are supporting Laissez l'Afrique Vivre in the DRC, together with our twin club in Sweden, Sodertalje RC.
more A team from the club took part in an episode broadcast in early 2016
more A collection of photos taken during the evening by David and Andrew.
more Christmas collecting for local children's charities.
more This year, our district 1120 conference was held in Bournemouth
more A walking holiday based in West Lulworth in June 2015
more An annual circular walk in London to raise money for the British Legion Poppy appeal
more Good food, good wine and good company at our dinner at Langley Park Golf Club, hosted by President David Hynes and his wife Sandra.
more In support of Lord's Taverners, the charity chosen by our District Governor
more Past President David chose the Alzheimer's Society for his charity.
more The Quiz and Fish 'n Chips supper this year was in support of the building of an extension to the Bizwene Childrens Centre near Capetown SA
more A selection of photos taken during the evening by Andrew
more Santa in his sleigh with his little helpers and club members and their wives, all collecting for childrens charities in the borough and bagging for customers in our local stores.
more Christmas lunch with the ladies at the Park Langley Club. An excellent three course traditional lunch, with all the trimmings.
more The District Conference was held at the Conference Centre in Eastbourne
more Celebrating 80 Years of Service 1934 - 2014
more A new local group for amazing parents and carers
more A walking holiday around Woburn in June 2014. See more pictures and a report below.
more Living Hope is a project which aims to provide good quality education for disadvantaged children in Baddomalhi Pakistan
more An evening of good food, wine and opera
more Concerts to raise money for charity
more The first visit from this Swedish Rotary Club
more A weekend respite for young carers aboard Cambria, a wooden Thames sailing barge
more The District Conference was held at the Conference Centre in Eastbourne
more A sponsored skate to raise money for Rotary International's End Polio Now initiative.
more A Centre for HIV/AIDS impacted children in Paarl in the Cape Province, South Africa
more University of Greenwich Big Band
more Refurbished tools and computer equipment for Africa
more A record of the annual visits to the club of our District Governors
back Club activities from previous years