Informal lunches and regular speakers

The club meets each Friday lunchtime and up to twice each month members and guests enjoy a talk by a speaker.
Talks cover a wide range of subjects with most being community focussed. Others may cover a speaker's special interests.

Our social lunches are open to all and we particularly encourage guests to attend our speaker meetings as outlined on the forthcoming calendar. Please contact the Secretary or email if you are intending to come along.

Once an month the club also reviews club activities at our monthly Rotary Business lunch, at which updates are received on the progress of the club's various activities, and decisions are taken regards new and current initiatives. 

Anytime you wish to attend, contact us at least a day before the meeting to check that there is no change to the programme.

Recent speakers have included:

A talk from Cornwall Air Ambulance.

Letitia Craig - Lifetime Projects, an international development charity.

William Bolitho - Cornish Hedge Building.

Justus Hattam - The Cornish Dialect

Dick Cliffe - former Mayor of Penzance brought Rotarians and visitors up to date regards the progress of the town's funding application under the government's 'Town Deal'.

Floyd Steadman - Former headmaster and the first black ccaptain of an English rugby club (Saracens).

Phil Westren - Local historian and the voice of the Cornish Pirates RFC.

Mike Sagar-Fenton - Hustorian and author, talking about lical history and the Newlyn Clearances

Jenny Salmon & Louise Perry from Cornish Talking Newspaper & Magazine

David Howard - Retired agent for St Aubyn Estates

Philip Rodda - Rodda's Creamery

Mike Temple - Mercy Ships

Jonathan Jones - Tregothnan Tea

Richard Thomas - Farmer

Ian Marsh - West Cornwall National Trust

Martin Tucker - Principal Truro and Penwith College

Keith Songhurst - Penzance Tennis Club Coach

Insp. Nick Clarke - Devon & Cornwall Police

Charlotte Somers - Hall for Cornwall

Simon Allison from the charity Sense (Caring for deaf blind people)

Zoe Curnow – General Manager of the Minack Theatre

Dr Bob Dyke on the subject of Steam Cars

The Shackleton Experience - The Greatest Survival Story Ever Told

Daphne Skinnard - BBC Radio Cornwall

Commander Blackmoor - Commanding Officer, Fixed Wing Aircraft at Culdrose

Anthony Power - Custodian of the Levant Mine

Hester Hunt – Penzance Town Clerk 

Chanti from the RotaryClub of Vijayawada, India.

Robin BaileyContact Robin Bailey about this page:

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Informal lunches and regular speakers sub-pages:

Floyd Steadman OBE - a remarkable role model

more Floyd Steadman visited Penzance Rotary to talk about his life so far including the hardship of his early childhood, family tragedy, racism, but above all, about determination and achievement.