Weekly Meeting

Tue, Aug 23rd 2016 at 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm

Rtn Tony Sargeant introduced our candidates, Cameron & Philip, who gave us a talk about their recent adventures on 'Ocean Venture' , as part of the Rotary Youth Development Under Sail initiative

Phil (kneeling) and Cameron, with course mentor, Rtn Phil Williamson (RC Pickering)

A nice thank-you email received by Rtn Tony Sargeant from the childrens' home, in follow-up to the meeting, which says everything about what we are hoping to achieve:

"Good afternoon Tony.

I would like to thank you and Ossett Rotary Club for our invite to today's meeting and for making myself and Phil feel so welcome. I would also like to thank you for funding Phil's trip away, I know he didn't stand up and speak today but to attend the meeting and be a focal point is significant progress for Phil. 

The skills he gained while away, both practical and socially are evident to see when we are working with him. The young man that went away came back more mature, considerate and independent. He has shared his trip with all those that visit him and the house, this is the first time he has shown he is proud of himself and accepted praise from ourselves. 
We truly thank you all for the experience that he was able to have due to your generosity.
I have attached the photo taken today of Phil, Cameron and Peter.

Thank you
Debra Boldy
Jasmine House"

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