Sandown Rotary Charity Furniture Store
31 Sandown Road, Lake
From a small beginning with just a monthly sale on a Saturday, we now have and run a charity shop in the main road through Lake. All proceeds from the shop are put into the Club's Goodwill Account, and then used for worthy causes, mainly locally and some Internationally.
Open from 10am until 4pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
We sell good quality small items of furniture, kitchen items small electrical items and general Bric-a-brac (no “White goods” books, shoes or clothing).
Although we no longer have our own van, we can arrange for pick ups of larger items that customers cannot bring to the shop, as well as, for a small charge, delivering items purchased.
Should you have any suitable items that you would like to donate, please call into the shop, or contact us by phoning Maggie Freemantle on 07922 458833
You can also see a selection of our items for sale on Wightbay, using this link:
Thank you for your continued support. It is from the sale of refurbished and donated items that we have been able to make donations to groups and worthy causes in the local community.
more “This was taken at the Car Show at Sandown Airport on Sun 13th Aug. A really good day with lots of visitors and our Club supporting and having a presence at this growing annual event.”
more Presentation of the award at The Bay school
more Packing gifts for disadvantaged children
more Opening of the new garden
more A new exhibition at the Sandown Museum
more Rotary exhibits at the event
more Presentation of the annual award
more Presentation by Past President Martin Styles to Retina UK
more A memorial stone for Sgt John Keating Haire
more Most of the Girls Brading Youth Football team outside the Sandown Rotary Charity shop in Lake.
more Sandown Rotary again had a stall at the 2019 Regatta
more Purchased for Gatten & Lake School
more The Club photographed when they obtained their own ground
more An interesting talk on the work of the Nepal Trust
more Island Rotary Clubs had another successful collection of Christmas shoeboxes for deprived children in Moldova
more The Christmas float at Morrisons in Lake
more President Paul Brading presenting our donation cheque to Gatten & Lake school
more Vanessa Churchman, past President 2018/19, presenting a cheque to the Salvation Army
more Berry Hill Childcare
more Y11 Presentation Evening
more Second hand furniture and bric a brac sale at our old site Spithead Estate, Lake
more President Esme Shakeshaft presents donations
more St Johns Church, Sandown at 7pm Tickets £5 in advance or £7 on the door
more Sandown Rotarians provided a Christmas display despite snow and freezing temperatures
more Sandown Rotary will provide BBQ, stalls, games and gate assistance
more Spring sale