A team from Taunton Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs spent a morning packing Water Survival Boxes, an initiative of the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge. Taunton Rotary Club has supported the charity for a number years both in the practical sense by packing boxes and with donations to help this fantastic charity. We learnt that boxes have recently been despatched to Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, Somalia and Sudan in what has been the organisations busiest year ever. The primary purpose is to provide a means of purifying water for the benefit of families at times of disaster. Clean water is essential to protect against disease when homes and livelihoods have been destroyed, but the boxes are also equipped with essential survival kit such as hygiene items, cooking pots and utensils..
Water boxes have been sent all over the world since 2015 with the help of Rotary Clubs in the UK, Switzerland and Denmark and other established charity partners such as Oxfam, the Red Cross and many others.The Rotary Club of Taunton regularly assists in Water Box Survival packing and you too can follow the boxes journey to its final destination by visiting the website www.watersurvivalbox.org
more Members of Taunton Rotary Club along with partners, once again hosted their long-time sister Club in Lisieux, re-igniting old friendships and strengthening relationships between our two Clubs.
more Smiles all round from young and old
more Taunton Rotary is supporting an exciting project in Nepal to improve fire fighting mobilisation and inter-agency working. Managed and run by ex-fireman Jason Snailham, who linked with Rotary in Nepal to ensure the project's success.
more We are proud to be supporting the Great Lakes Project, a charity which works in the world's poorest country, Burundi. Follow the stories and learn how lives have been transformed by this charity.
more International co-operation is rewarded by success as 13 years on a young Zambian scholar works in secondary schools as a fully trained teacher and is now studying for his second degree.
more Malaria kills 600,000 a year: The Rotary Club of Taunton donates money for prevention
more Rotary International has played a major part in the eradication of polio
back The Rotary Club of Taunton supports both national and locally initiated international projects and links with Clubs abroad, including France and the USA. Click on 'DETAILS' below and read about our recent visit to Lisieux.....