Club members please log in for more information.
Hover over a picture to see the name of the Member, and click on it to find a little bit more about them!
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Regular Newsletters contain all the latest details on Club activities
moreGuest speakers are invited every month. A variety of topics are covered, and we are always pleased to hear from anyone who would like to talk to the Club
moreWe meet every Thursday at 1pm at The Paignton Club, situated on the seafront near Paignton Harbour. In months that contain five Thursdays we meet at 6.00pm on that day.
moreMembers come from all walks of life, some are retired whilst others are still in active employment. New Members are welcome!
moreWe support many local charities through various fund raising activities. On a global basis we are a partner with Shelterbox and End Polio Now.
moreRegular competitions are held between the Rotary Clubs surrounding Torbay. Members compete for an annual trophy, with each Club organising one of the events, which include skittles, ten pin bowling, target golf, shuffle board, lawn bowls, & darts.