September 2024
Run Mawnan raised £2500 for local charities (see dedicated page for more information)
August 2024
A generous gift of £2,000 from Taylors Tyres Ltd of Redruth has been added to the Robotic Surgery Fund of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity.
Surgeons at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust are keen to acquire the robotic surgery equipment, that not only will make procedures simpler and more effective, but also would be expected to attract and retain highly-skilled staff to the NHS Trust, which is already highly rated compared to others in the Southwest.
The donation from Taylors Tyres will boost the fundraising total of Falmouth Rotary Club towards the fund,
“As a club we have been inspired to support this charitable fund after learning more about the need and hearing that Devon already has seven robots spread across their county, each of which cost around 2.7 million pounds,” Said David Stewart, Falmouth Rotary President.
“Cornwall has none, despite having the highest average resident age of any UK County and with a population that trebles in the summer. As people age there is an increased risk of bowel, prostate and uterine cancers, all of which we understand can more easily be treated by robotic surgery,” David adds.
“Having this equipment will save Cornish residents the trauma and cost of having to travel out of county for treatment,” Mr Stewart concludes.
Matt Taylor was keen to support the fundraising with a corporate donation,
“From a family perspective, we know only too well how this kind of technology will be of benefit to patients across Cornwall. We were only too happy to support the fund and hope that other businesses may choose to follow our lead!”
The fund is being assisted by the Rotary Club of Falmouth along with other Cornish Rotary Clubs, who will hope to get matched funding from Rotary International.
October 2023
Fundraising event Run Mawnan raised nearly £2000 for local charities.
more Falmouth Rotary Club stage charity quiz nights at various venues. They are organised by Rod and Pauline Allday.
more Falmouth Rotary Club work with local businesses to organise the event each year to raise money for local charities.
more Falmouth Rotarians walked from Flushing to Mylor and back to raise funds for Aquabox
more A wine tasting fundraiser was held at Mawnan Memorial Hall on 24th Nov. It was very successful and raised more than £450 for Rotary charities. Thanks to Rod Allday and Peter Griffiths for the organisation.
more Members of Falmouth Rotary participated in a sponsored relay walk on Monday 31st May to raise money for local charities.
more Every June, volunteers from Falmouth Rotary cater at the Castle to Castle Swim event.