A Day of Cumbrian Weather At Penrith Golf Club
Penrith Rotary Club's Charity Golf Day was held at Penrith Golf Club on Friday 6th August. Last year the event was cancelled because of the Covid19 pandemic. This year, as we tiptoed away from lockdown, some 168 players from all over Cumbria and from as far afield as Durham, Lockerbie and Preston competed for the honours. Despite the adverse weather it was a hotly contested competition with only 4 points separating the top 6 teams. The course was in excellent condition, and several players expressed their appreciation of the work done by the green keeper and his staff.
In the end it was a team from Hather Financial Services who were the outright winners with 100 points but the Teasdale Bandits team with 98 points were hot on their heels. The winners scooped the voucher to play at the Dalmahoy Hotel and Country and £200. The highest scoring Rotary Team was from Lockerbie who will be presented with the Penrith Rotary Club Silver Trophy.
Fraser Dickinson of Certas Energy provided the vouchers for Dalmahoy, but there were over 40 other sponsors who supported the event. In addition, several other golf clubs from around the North donated golf vouchers to be used as prizes. Alex Buchan of the Penrith Rotary Club in expressing the Club’s gratitude to all these sponsors, said that it was only through their generosity and that of all the participating players that the event raises money for those in need of our help. He also expressed thanks to Andrew Sowerby the Club Professional for his able assistance with organising the competition.
This charity golf day is the Penrith Rotary Club’s biggest fundraiser and this year it did not disappoint with over £5,500 (net) being raised on the day. The charities being supported this year are the “Eden Young Carers” and “The Lake District Mountain Rescue Search Dogs” - as well as the many other good causes supported by the Penrith Rotary Club. The money raised will be shared between all these very deserving causes.
It is hoped to do it all again next year on Friday 5th August 2022 at Penrith Golf Club. Anyone not already on the invitation list who would like to play in the event should apply to Alex Buchan on email 701buchan@gmail.com. Invitations to play will be sent out early in the New Year.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The Penrith Rotary Club held their annual fundraising Charity Golf Competition at Penrith Golf Club on Friday 28th July. The weather was good and the course was in excellent condition.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more The tournament is an AM/AM stableford competition for teams of four with the two best scores counting on each hole. Handicap allowance will be 100% of full handicap up to a maximum of 24 strokes for men and 36 for ladies.
more Penrith Golf Club
more Charity Golf day on Friday 3rd August 2018 at Penrith Golf Club.
more Charity Golf day on Friday 4th August 2017 at Penrith Golf Club.
more Charity Golf day on Friday 5th August 2016 at Penrith Golf Club.
more Golf Tournament 2015
more Next year's event is on 8th August
more The report on this year's event.
more This years Penrith Rotary Club am-am tournament was held on Friday 10th August 2012 at Penrith Golf Club. Weather and playing conditions were ideal resulting in some excellent scoring. The tournament attracted over 200 players.
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