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Thursday 27th February 2025
District Event: District Exec meeeting on Zoom
Friday 14th March 2025
RC Church & Oswaldtwistle Venue, the Adelaide Suite Accrington With the excellent Gavin Young with magician Andrew Dean Date for the diary already posted; official invitations being sent out January
February 23rd is Rotary’s 120th Birthday.
This day is also called World Understanding and Peace Day.
It is also Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month.
A larger image for copying can be found here or on our District facebook page.
On February 23rd 1905, little did Paul Harris and his small group of friends realise what they were starting when they met at the Unity Building in Chicago. We have come a long way since then, but we still have a long way to go to achieve goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world.
Members and Clubs of Rotary International are encouraged to arrange special activities to celebrate February 23rd and this provides an opportunity to pause and recognise all that Rotary has undertaken and continues to provide.
Sun Never Sets in Rotary
For 24 hours, starting on Rotary Day, is the annual Sun Never Sets in Rotary. This is a marathon of presentations provided by Rotary Clubs and Rotary Districts around the world. Click here to find out more about this fantastic event.
What is your local Rotary Club doing?
Many clubs arrange special speakers, or arrange projects in their local communities. We will add some of their events here as we get closer to the Day. Visit the Clubs pages to find out what your local club is doing.
There are different avenues to joining Rotary. You can join your local Rotary Club or join Rotary Direct where you do not belong to a local club. Organisations are welcome to join as Corporate members. Visit our What is Rotary? page to find out more about we do. Our Membership Services pages contain links to our local clubs and information about Clubs, Direct and Corporate Membership. You can contact us by using the forms at the bottom of the Membership pages or the Contact button at the top of this page.