MFR Cash for Kids

Thursday 29th July


This week’s speaker was Lyndsay Rose, Charity Manager at MFR Cash For Kids.

Lyndsay, originally from Forres, has been in post for just over 13 years and is very passionate about the work of the charity who aim to give children in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire a brighter future.

Lyndsay works with one other to manage all the fundraising and administration for the charity. An executive board meets 3 times a year to individually assess all applications and award funding, not always an easy task. At the last board meeting there was £110,000 to distribute for applications totalling £185,000. An emergency fund is held to ensure urgent applications can be turned around in 24-48 hours for cases such as family breakdowns, fire or flood. Items are always purchased by the charity and cash is never given directly to individuals.

MFR Cash for Kids work closely with other organisations including Step by Step, Moray Women’s Aid and most of the schools in the area with various projects, more recently focussing on mental health and wellbeing.

New projects include a mental health first aid training course for young people via the Moray Wellbeing Hub which teaches how to provide peer to peer support, and Kindness Cupboards in schools where a stock of PE kits, underwear, fidget toys and toiletries to name a few are supplied to be given to pupils free of charge via teaching staff. Many young people are living in poverty, a hidden problem but through no fault of the child and providing essentials to these families are a main part of the work of the charity. Many working families are struggling to buy school uniforms (the grant available only covers up to a certain income level) which is something else they can be supported with.

Individuals can also apply for funding and there has been an increase in applications in the past year for specialist equipment for children with disabilities due to support services and respite care stopping during the covid lockdown. Specialist equipment such as bespoke beds and diabetes monitors have transformed the lives of those who have been supported.

Fundraising was wiped out last year but an emergency appeal was quickly established to allow referral organisations to spend £100 per child to those most in need for home schooling, food and heating. 1.216 children in Moray were supported during this time.

In November the annual Christmas Appeal begins with the aim to donate a gift to every child who is referred. Last year 955 children in Moray alone were given Christmas gifts.

Lyndsay highlighted the main changes in demand has been that groups would previously apply for the ‘nice things’ but over the past 5-6 years the applications are for essentials, for those living in poverty and so the board is having to prioritise the ‘must haves’.

Lyndsay’s knowledge of the local needs and her keen interest in helping those young people in need shone throughout her presentation.

For more information about MFR Cash for Kids see link to their website

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