President AnnE's Weekly Blog - Weeks 22 - 26. (December)

Lessons Learned / Thought for the Week


Week 26 (New Year's Eve - Well New Year's day Actually!)

Looking forward tentatively to the unpredictable year ahead.

After a week of daily rain and mud, we woke to this beautiful, warm, watery sunshine on the canal on New Year’s morning, putting an entirely new light on a familiar scene, instantly changing everything and lifting the spirits.

I remember how, years ago, our 2 dyslexic children used coloured overlays, hoping that the jumble of letters in front of them would magically transform into recognisable words.

So, I invite you to join me and pick up an overlay, whatever colour you choose, and lay it down over your plans for the coming year, hoping that the uncertainty of 2021 will be magically transformed into “normality” allowing us to start 2022 with hope and enthusiasm!

“Nothing in this world is permanent, not even our troubles” (Charlie Chaplin)


Week 25 (Christmas Eve)

“Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year” –  or is it?

As we wish each other Merry Christmas and give gifts to those we love and also to those less fortunate than ourselves, our wish for everyone is happiness and good health. 

But, as I get older, I am increasingly aware that Christmas can be a sad time for many people for many reasons, even more so this year as it is the second year affected by Covid. 

Sometimes we can gently explore how we might help, or maybe just offer our time and an understanding ear.

Dr Punam Krishan gives us good advice
“Be kind to those who perhaps aren’t in the mood for dancing around the Christmas tree and give them some space”. 


Week 24

When you have sent everyone a photo of you and your children and even the dog……

……and you suddenly realise, too late, that you have made the biggest mistake!!!!

Of course, they are not just your children any more.
How are their partners and their own families - our Grandchildren - going to feel about being left out?
And the awful thing is, I love them all just as much and it’s too late to do anything about it!

I took consolation from hearing someone on the radio this week talking about how parents have a very special kind of love for their own children, not more love, just a different kind of love. Perhaps an appropriate thought for this time of the year.


Week 23

Christmas trees seem to be going up early this year.

Perhaps because, more than ever this year, we all need our spirits lifting with twinkling lights and the hope that Christmas brings.
We have all had a difficult year and there seems so much need in the world around us. 
Our club learned this week about the awful plight of victims of domestic violence right next door to us. We know about the homeless in Bradford and the families having to rely on Foodbanks, the difficulties our NHS is facing - the list is long. And there seems so little we can do to change this.
But one of the reasons I love being a Rotarian is that I am surrounded by people who truly believe in the Rotary motto “Service above Self” and are motivated to at least do what they can, small as it may be, to make a difference.

We would agree with Harold S Kushner: 
“Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are”.


Week 22

Who's the young lady with Chris? Or is it a man?

On a more serious note......

.....As we face increased restrictions again and our Christmas celebrations may well be affected, it will be hard to keep our spirits up. But please always think about the consequences of our actions, not just on ourselves, but on those around us when deciding what to do – or what not to do.

This message from a shared Facebook post says it all:

Until you’ve done CPR in scrubs, scrub gown, plastic apron, ffp3 mask, visor, hood, and 2 pairs of gloves, you should probably stop moaning about having to wear a mask to the shops!”


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