85th Anniversary Charter Night

Tue, Feb 7th 2023 at 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm

DG Steve Rose will join us and guests as we celebrate the history of Morpeth Rotary.


Fifty members, guests and friends met at Morpeth Golf Club to celebrate the founding charter of Morpeth Rotary Club. It was received from Rotary International in 1938. The first President was G. F. Howell. 

Guest of honour was the man elected to serve as the leader of all 46 Rotary clubs in the north east, District Governor Steve Rose of Darlington. There were also  representatives from the sponsoring clubs in 1938 of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Blyth, members from Alnwick and Tyneside Rotary clubs, Morpeth Round Table and Morpeth Lions. President Arif Shahab summarised Morpeth Rotary activities over the last year. Vice President Julie Mulqueen had the marathon task of summarising the last 85 years. 

delightful addition, from Morpeth member and official 'Gadgie' Alex Swailes, was a rendition of a previously unpublished folk song about the wonders of Morpeth by the fifth ever president of Morpeth Rotary, C. E Shaw.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Julie awards Rotarians Andrew Hammett and Alan Barron Rotary’s highest honour - A Paul Harris Fellow.

President Julie welcoming Rotarian David Bawn.

We are delighted to welcome Councillor David Bawn Managing Partner at David Auld & Co as our first corporate member.


Immediate Past President Julie Mulqueen handing over to President Gary Witheyman


An evening of fun and fellowship to celebrate St George's day.


President Julie was delighted to present £1250 to Morpeth Girl Guide to buy new camping equipment for their expeditions.


We will enjoying our annual quiz with Morpeth Lions and Inner Wheel


Immediate Past Present Julie Mulqueen celebrated the end of her presidency with a party and to fundraise for 2522 Bedlington ATC Squadron


Our Club are looking forward to celebrating our 86th year with our guest speaker John Aitken

The wonderful beds we have created.

Morpeth Rotary and Lions working together


30 Rotarians and partners visited a temple in Newcastle
