Within 48 hours of the earthquake in Turkey, members of Somerset Rotary Clubs gathered to fill Rotary Water Survival Boxes for families caught up in the disaster.
Wellington Rotarians filled boxes for 60 families, which have now been shipped from the packing and distribution centre in Radstock to provide a rapid response for families who have lost everything, including access to drinking water.
The standard Water Survival Box is designed for a family of five who have lost their homes and all their possessions following a natural or man-made disaster.
The first priority is a water purification kit to protect against water-borne disease and so the box includes a remarkable Aquafilter, capable of cleaning the dirtiest water and making it fit to drink.
The second priority is to provide survival items for eating and drinking, health and hygiene, basic shelter, simple tools and basic household items – all to help survival for the first weeks and months after a disaster.
Each Water Survival Box costs £150. This covers the cost of the box, the water purification kit, all contents and air freight to the disaster area.
Rotary has already donated over 300 water boxes this year to Ukraine and to Pakistan, and if readers wish to support this latest intent to send 1000 boxes to the earthquake disaster area they can do so through www.watersurvivalbox.org.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
In early December Past President Mike Webb presented members of the EVAG team with a cheque for £500.
moreThe Rotary Club of Wellington attended the Wellington Park Fayre. Visitors to the gazebo sampled water from the Water Aid pump and also attempted to guess the name of the Teddy Bear.
moreOnce again the Pop Up shop proved to be very popular in the town and we raised a total of £1300 all of which will go directly to good causes throughout our community.
moreAt the presidential handover IPP Mike Parsons and Rotarian Chris Cardwell were presented with Paul Harris Fellowships.
moreOn Monday, 16 December, Wellington Rotary Club President Paul Brunsch welcomed 52 members and guests to the Beambridge Inn for a festive Christmas Lunch when he presented two Paul Harris Fellowships.
moreWith a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds.
moreThe Bolham Community School Choir sang carols at the Club's Christmas Lunch on Monday, 16th December at the Beam Bridge Inn.
moreMembers of the Rotary Club of Wellington, together with members of the business community, attended Court Field's mock interviews. It was a rewarding occasion when the year 10 candidates acquitted themselves very well indeed.
more“Monumental IQ” were worthy winners of Wellington Rotary Club’s Quiz Night held at the Beambridge Inn on Friday evening.