International Cooperation
For a number of years, we have enjoyed an affiliation with the Rotary Club of Dronten, in the Netherlands, where the emphasis has been on the sharing of ideas and fellowship. We meet up biennially, alternating between Dronten and Skipton locations.
25 years of friendship
Our Dronten colleagues have often supported our annual Santa Fun Run, and in 2022 they fielded a record 17 participants
The Great Skipton Santa Fun Run 2022
Disaster Relief
Sadly, there have been all to many disasters around the World in recent years, such as war, earthquakes and flooding.
We stand ready to support disaster relief efforts wherever they occur in the World, through specific fundraising collections, contributions towards the purchase of ShelterBoxes and warm clothing donations. All such contributions are handled by Rotary members local to the area of the disaster.
In recent years, we have contributed towards relief efforts resulting from:
more £2078 raised - enough for 4 Shelterboxes
more A disaster relief charity of which Rotary is an International partner. (1 page below this)
more Skipton Craven Rotary Club is twinned with Dronten Rotary Club which is in Holland.