5th Tuesday - Visit to Scadbury Park

Tue, Oct 31st 2023 at 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

See 'Details section' for directions / parking information.

Most of the visit will be in the open, so appropriate footwear and outerwear are important. The site is accessible via grass paths which are flat, but the grass can be wet/muddy if we've had recent rain. We have a base at the site which can provide shelter if it rains and where we will show some of the finds that have been excavated. We have access to toilets shared with the farm livery users.   

To reach the site by car: aim for the A222 which runs from Chislehurst towards the A20 interchange. After the Chislehurst war memorial, continue towards A222/Perry Street past the sports grounds; shortly before the junctions with Beaverwood Road to the left /Old Perry Street to the right (there is a pedestrian crossing at a bus-stop a little before these junctions), move into the right-hand lane; turn right into a drive immediately beyond the Old Perry Street turning which leads into Scadbury Park. There is a notice saying 'Tree Centre' by the entrance. The drive is single-track though there are some passing places. Carry on slowly along the driveway with fields/ trees on each side, passing a house and then more fields, ignoring notices saying 'no public access'.  Keep on up a steep slope and as you approach farm buildings in front, and the drive turns sharply to the right, pull in beneath the oak tree on the right - we will aim to meet visitors there, but if we are not already in position at the corner, phone Michael on 07949  730887. We will direct you through the farm area into our car park. 

NB this drive is the private access road for use by residents, ODAS, the farm and the Shaw Trust (who have a day-centre near the farm for adults with learning difficulties), and is not a public vehicle entrance into the park. It is important to drive carefully because there may be Shaw Trust clients arriving at the centre and because of the presence of horses from the livery; some sections of the road have poor visibility.  Do not put the postcode for the public car park or other access information obtained from the internet into the satnav, as this will take you close to the Sydney Arms/ the public car park in Old Perry Street; the site is a 20 minute walk minimum from there. If any members wish to use public transport to reach us, or to walk to the site through the park, we can provide further details on how best to do this. After the tour, the Sydney Arms can be reached by driving back down the drive, turning left into Perry Street and then immediately left into Old Perry Street. 

The Friends of Scadbury Park's  website Scadbury-Park.org.uk has a useful link to Google maps and a diagram showing bus stops - but ignore their postcode information. 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Have a look at these 3 short videos to find out more.


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