RYLA in Action

thoughts of an awardee

At New Malden Rotary's meeting on 4th September members heard a first hand acount from our sponsored student of taking part in the activity and leadership course at High Ashurst Activity Centre in Dorking to achieve the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.  

Hiba Mirza, a student in year 12 at Holy Cross School, spoke of her trepidation prior to embarking on the five day course and her subsequent growth in confidence and experience as she worked through the activities with her colleagues.  She vividly described the activities undertaken day by day, from climbing the "ominous sounding high ropes", water activities which included a raft-building challenge and a five hour hike through the forest.  And that was just the daytime activity.  Evenings included exercises in bonding, entertaining each other and even making presentations to Rotarians, a challenge beyond most of her audience.  The presentation on their final evening prepared and run by all those on the course, and in which Hiba played a major organisational role, was to their own parents and and the RYLA leaders.  

Hiba summarised her feelings clearly explaining that "RYLA for me was not just an experience to take a few lessons from, but an experience in which I discovered who I was and exactly where my strengths and weaknesses were."  We, as Rotary members, were impressed by Hiba's excellent presentation to us, but even more so by the obvious benefits which she demonstrably gained from her experience and were further encouraged by the knowldege that the RYLA project and our part in it are worthy of our continued support.  Over the next few months we'll be seeking candidates for future years.  For more information on the scheme go to RYLA or to apply for 2024 use our Contact link above.

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