Tree Planting

Creating our own Rotary Wood in the Peak District

Club members have recently planted a number of trees on our land in the Hope Valley.  We are hoping to create a Rotary Wood which can be enjoyed by those visiting the Rotary Centre.  The trees were provided free of charge by the Woodland Trust.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Crocus corm planting

Rotarians have been planting crocus corms to brighten up the grounds of 10 Sheffcare Homes across the city

Boccia Sheffield and Rotarians

This week members of the Club visited Boccia Sheffield to learn more about the game.

Boxes ready to go to Ukraine

Sheffield Rotary and Scouts from the 20th Sheffield Scout Group provided toys to send to Ukraine

Christmas Donations

Club members provided Christmas goodies for distribution by S6 Foodbank.

Tree planting

Creating our own Rotary Wood in the Peak District

Gullivers Kingdom

Providing holidays for disadvantaged local children for 100 years

Some of the retailers supporting easyfundraising

Join easyfundraising and you can collect free donations for us every time you buy something online. It won't cost you a penny extra so please help us to raise funds.

Christmas donations

Over £250 worth of Christmas treats has been donated to the S6 Foodbank in time for Christmas.

Packing food boxes at Expo

During Volunteer Expo club members worked with other Rotarians on the packing line.
