
Physionet activities

Loading conatiner for Cape Town 29th June 2024

Another Fiji container loading; 1st June 2024

Preparation for another Fiji load; 22nd May 2024

Loading container for Lesotho; 11th May 2024

Spring 2024 Newsletter (Click on link on RHS panel)

Clubs work together to clear a backlog; 8th April 2024

More preparation work; 27th March 2024

Cleaning, repairing & sorting storage space; 29th January 2024

"Thank you" letter from Khethiwe, South Africa.

Container for Fiji loading; 30th September 2023

Bed loading for Ukraine; 12th August 2023

Wednesday 19th July and 20th August 2023

Club meeting; Preparing another Ukraine load 7th August 2023

Cheque presentation 10th July 2023

Physionet sub-pages:

Filling another container for Fiji

Another Fiji load at Physionet; Saturday 1st June 2024

more Members from several clubs help Physionet staff load another container destined for Fiji.

The loading team

Physionet loading for Cape Town Saturday 29th June 2024

more A 40 ft container was loaded for several charities to distribute in the Cape Town area

The volunteers who loaded a very full container

Physionet loading for Lesotho: Saturday 11th May 2024

more Another large container loaded full of equipment for Lesotho, South Africa

Volunteers join together for a photo!

Clubs join together to clear a backlog: 8th April 2024

more On 8th April members from several clubs, with family helpers, worked hard to clear a backlog of walking sticks

Plenty of 'Walking Frames'

Wednesday 22nd May 2024: Preparation work

more Volunteers from several clubs were busy preparing another load for Fiji. There were a lot of walking frames to deal with.

Hard at work

Physionet preparation work: 27th March 2024

more Members from a number of clubs (mostly Cotswold Tyndale) were hard at work trying to prepare a huge amount of unwanted equipment so that it was ready to be sent to where it could be usefully used.

Helpers gather together for a photo!

Several clubs doing preparation work: 8th April 2024

more Members from several local clubs, with family members supporting helped tackling a large consignment of walking frames, as well as other things.

Physionet Spring 2024 Newsletter

more The latest newsletter from Physionet

Members hard at work.

Physionet cleaning and preparation; Monday 29th January 2024

more Cleaning and repairing walking sticks and walking frames, which included sorting in to pairs and tying together with lengths of string. Some re allocation of storage space and cupboard use was also undertaken.

'Thank you 'Physionet, from Khethiwe, South Africa

more A 'Thank you' letter from Khethiwe, South Africa

Helpers on Saturday 9th December at Physionet

Loading container at Physionet for South Africa December 9th 2023

more Rotarians (from several clubs) and friends spent the morning on Saturday 9th December filling a container destined for those in need north of Johannesburg, South Africa. The load was mainly children's equipment.

Loading bed destined for Ukraine

Saturday 12th August 2023; Physionet bed loading for Ukraine

more Loading heavy electric beds and other equipment in to large lorry to be delivered to Ukraine

Rotarians pausing after work!

Physionet Wednesday 19th July & 20th August 2023

more Cleaning returned hospital beds

Snack time after helping preparing for delivery to Ukraine

Monday 7th August 2023: Visit to Physionet, Berkeley

more Visit to Physionet at Berkeley. Helping with repairs and preparing equipment for delivery to Ukraine.(With Burgers & hot dogs.)

£500 Cheque presentation to Sarah Cowlam of Physionet

Presentation to Physionet; Monday 10th July 2023

more Past President John Francksen presents a cheque for £500 to Sarah Cowlam of Physionet