Dear Supporters,
We hope that you will be able to support us in this fund-raising event, generously sponsored by Leo Giannini at Mamma Mia.
The Live Jazz Band is again headed by vocalist Jasmine Spicer, and sponsored by Kew Windows.( And Magician Philip will be passing amongst you all .... !
Places are £40 per person, reserved and payable in advance by BACS to ‘Rotary Club of Kew Gardens Charity Projects A/c No.70525464 Sort code: 20-72-33, and ref: JAZZ. …….(No tickets) or alternatively send a cheque for you and your guests to me, Richard Ward, Flat 1, 62 Mortlake Rd, Kew TW9 4AT. Please make cheques payable to ‘Rotary Club of Kew Gardens (Jazz') and print names of all attendees on the back, with contact email, and I will acknowledge receipt. Booking cut-off 31st. January and no refunds after this date.
Guest numbers are limited to 55 so strictly first paid first reserved. If we become over-subscribed those paying last will be refunded.
Parking. Mostly unrestricted immediately outside, and surrounding roads. Check the signage please.
Seating: Sorry but we cannot provide reserved seating. If you are bringing guests, or want to sit with specific people, please arrive early to secure your preference(s.) There will be seating for 15 in the rear/band room and approximately 40 in the adjoining main restaurant.
Food: There will be a set three-course meal of Rosa's homemade thick vegetable soup + bread; very long Spaghetti Bolognese with self serve salad bowls; tiramisu; tea or coffee.
For dietary/vegetarian requirements call or email me by latest 31st Jan'.
Drinks on the night: - to be ordered from staff at the tables and paid direct to them. Cash or card reader.
Raffle on the night. Cash or card reader.
And a grand auction for a week in a Rotarian's apartment in Nice (details below.)
Dress. Light up the night!
Donations. Last year several people who were unable to attend generously donated the cost of a place to Kew Rotary Charity Projects Account. By cheque via me. Every penny goes to charitable causes. Thank you.
Welcome. Since I am organising the ‘guests’ side of the evening all queries, suggestions and complaints come to me please.
And Seasonal Greetings from the Rotary Club of Kew Gardens.
Richard Ward. Rotary Organiser. Flat 1, 62 Mortlake Road, Kew TW9 4AT. Tel: 07941939783 & 02088786696.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
There are many ways that you can support us with this challenge.
moreThe Club was Chartered on 12th October 1984 and Richard tells us about some of the mile stones in the Club's history.
moreThis year we distributed 18 Christmas Food Bags and 58 food vouchers, each with Richard’s biscuit selection, to Crossroad Care Richmond & Kingston!
moreRead about some of the exciting projects undertaken by the Club!
moreRotary International's own Charity fund is known as "Rotary Foundation".