Moray Road Runners

Thursday 29 February

Gareth Jenkins delivered a really interesting talk on the background, aims and objectives of Moray Road Runners, a club that will be celebrating its 40th birthday next year. Membership fees are minimal, and at present they have 152 members, but that number is likely to increase over the summer months up to the 200 mark. Now registered as a charity, the organisation prides itself in its achievements at local, national and international levels. Family friendly they have an events calendar that offers something for everyone whether that be its 10k annual run; a cross country run, a forest run, or perhaps taking part in the weekly Park Run which Moray Road Runners were instrumental in setting up some 8 years ago.

Gareth spoke passionately when he highlighted the benefits the group can offer to members and anyone interested in joining, whether that be improved mental health, menopause support, weight management, increased confidence to name but a few of the "positive bubbles" that appeared on one of his presentation slides as shown here. Longer term the group are aiming for a track of their own with suitable lighting especially for training during the winter months and we wish them well for the future.

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