An Amazing Army of Rotary Volunteers plants thousands of crocuses and narcissi in Elms Field

A large group of volunteers lead by Wokingham Rotarians have successfully planted thousands of crocuses corns and narcissi bulbs in Elms Field ready for spring.

The purple crocus is the symbol of Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign, representing the dye added to the little finger of babies and children under 5 who receive the polio vaccine across the world. For nearly 35 years Rotary has run a worldwide Polio eradication programme, distributing and administering the vaccine to all parts of the globe.


The final two countries to be deemed polio free will be Afghanistan and Pakistan but these are also proving the most challenging.


Backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary has committed to fully eradicate the world of this paralysing virus.


The Rotary Club of Wokingham joined by cubs from 1st Wokingham, Holt Copse volunteers and members of neighbouring Rotary clubs planted nearly 4000 crocus corns in Elms Field.


Located near the “wavey bench”, also commissioned by Rotary nearly a decade ago, the crocuses and narcissi will be an attractive addition to this green space in Wokingham.


Club Environment Lead Cathy Boddy said “we are incredibly grateful for the support of other Wokingham community groups and hope our crocuses and narcissi will be enjoyed by everyone in Wokingham. They will serve as a reminder of Rotary’s international impact and our local community connection. We are also grateful for the support from SHARE and Aldi, along with our corporate members SD Studios Design & Digital, The Polyphonic Express and Nuffield Health”

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End Polio Now: A Global Mission to Eradicate Polio

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International Involvement

back The Rotary Club of Wokingham supports many international projects, either through Rotary International, in collaborations with other clubs, or as a sponsor of humanitarian charities.