'What We Do' Main Pages:
We collected around £1200 for ShelterBox in aid of the victims of the recent earthquakes and floods.
moreWe were delighted to be able to help our friends at Dream-A-Way by fundraising for them at Tesco.
moreThis year we bought, distributed and planted 4,000 purple crocuses to show our support to the Rotary End Polio project.
moreWe asked the generous Exmouth public for their donations every penny of which was sent to Ukraine.
moreWe are collaborating with Budleigh Salterton Lions Club to distribute the wonderful books by Ellie Jackson to children in local schools.
moreExmouth Rotary are supporting the furnishing of the Avocet Learning Trust Education Centre buildings.
moreWe hosted a tree planting hub in November and we are pleased to feature on the Queen's Green Canopy map.
moreTake a look at the Rotary youth competitions that we are supporting this year. Click below for more information.
moreYoung people from across Devon and Cornwall, their families and leaders are invited to a day of motivation, free activities and challenges.
moreIf you register with "Easy Fundraising" then, whenever you do any online shopping, a small donation will come to our Rotary club, without costing you a penny extra.
moreFollowing our collections at Tesco we were delighted to present a cheque for £4727 to John Cleverley, Rotary Marketing Office for ShelterBox