
District Governor

Jeremy Wyman

District Treasurer

Robert Ward PHF

District Secretary

Jane Mordue PHF

Assistant Governor

Barry Collett MPHF

Assistant Governor

Karsan Chandegra

Assistant Governor

Kendal Pitt MPHF

Assistant Governor

Barbara Hazell MPHF

Assistant Governor

David Footitt MPHF

Public Image Team Leader

David Footitt MPHF

Rotary Foundation Team Leader

Vijay Patel PHF

Membership Team Leader

Kendal Pitt MPHF

International Service Team Leader

Denise Creisson PHF

Youth Service Team Leader

Andy Calvert PHF

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG)

Barbara Middleton PHF

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Jeremy Wyman

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Kendal Pitt MPHF

Assistant District Secretary

Leslie Robertson MPHF

Environment Officer

Dr Mohammad Alramahi


Jane Mordue PHF

Leadership Development & Training

Debbie Hodge


Roger Phillips

Equality & Diversity Officer

Jane Mordue PHF

Alumni Officer

Janet Peirce MPHF


Bob Harris PHF


John Moss MPHF

Interact Officer

Lavinia Hale

Youth Exchange Officer

Mary Whitehead PHF

Information Technology

Jane Mordue PHF

End Polio Now

Hazel Cannon PHF

Global Grants

Bob Harris PHF

District Grants

John Moss MPHF


Jane Mordue PHF

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary works to support our Community, the environment and to support Vocational Service

Rotary in Beds, Bucks & Herts

Check here for the DG's Newsletter with news from around the District

Rotary in Beds, Bucks and Herts - Project Showcase

Check here to find out some of the Projects the clubs in our District have been involved in.


A few pointers for Rotarians about logging in
