Nick Goldsmith - Hidden Valley Bushcraft

Tue, Jul 23rd 2019 at 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Grace & Bottle - Spike Parker
Steward - Mike Daniel

Nick Goldsmith, former Royal Marine Commando, spoke this week to the Rotary club of Chelwood Bridge about his life as a commando and what brought him to run Hidden Valley Bushcraft in Pensford. 
He served 6 missions in Afghanistan and Belize and the demands of that led him to leave the army early and set up his own business doing what he has always loved best, working in the outdoors. The centre is set in a private woodland in Pensford and provides outdoor experiences and activities for a wide range of people from children to those suffering post-traumatic stress disorders. The work includes corporate team building days, woodland cookery courses while camping and educational workshops and he has also established for a school for children. 
Nick's enthusiasm and commitment to this work which aims to provide individual experiences, mentoring and coaching to all who attend. 
A truly inspirational individual was overcome some difficult situations and are now focuses on work which gives him immense pleasure and fulfilment.
There is a lot more information on his
Nick's enthusiasm and commitment to this work which aims to provide individual experiences, mentoring and coaching to all who attend. 
A truly inspirational individual was overcome some difficult situations and are now focuses on work which gives him immense pleasure and fulfilment.
There is a lot more information on his
Nick's enthusiasm and commitment to this work which aims to provide individual experiences, mentoring and coaching to all who attend. 
A truly inspirational individual was overcome some difficult situations and are now focuses on work which gives him immense pleasure and fulfilment.
There is a lot more information on his

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