About Rotary

About Rotary

What is Rotary?
Rotary Clubs are pockets of like minded people of a variety of ages and talents that all want to make a positive change in their community and internationally. Clubs meet regularly where members get the chance to socialise, listen to guest speakers and make plans to make change happen. Most clubs have commitees such as youth, community, international and environment where you will find extra enthusiasm and support for your ideas in specific areas. 
Not all clubs meet on the same day or time. There are some early morning breakfast clubs, some are lunch, some are tea time and some clubs meet onlne too. There is a club for everyone.

Rotary in the South West Peninsula

Here in the South West Peninsula of England (Rotary District 1175) there are 77 clubs with over 1800 members each different to the next in their own little way. They all share the same goal though - helping the communities we live in both at home or abroad.
It’s a fulfilling role, and Rotarians can get involved as much or as little as their time will allow. 
Our clubs are based in local communities where members meet on a regular basis to enjoy friendship, networking and to plan projects that will benefit the lives of others. Clubs utilise the skills, expertise and dedication of their members to help improve the lives of people in communities both at home and abroad.
Rotary clubs worldwide have been working with partner organisations since 1985 to End Polio in the world.
Polio eradication is just one worldwide project and clubs here in our district have done many projects to help overseas.  These range from providing clean water to remote villlages, literacy aids, medical and emergency vehicles and the infamous ShelterBox started in our district.
Closer to home, clubs do many great things for the more local community.  Stroke Awareness campaigns are run by several clubs and as a result many lives have been saved.
The young in our society also feature heavily in what we do with many projects and events run to help develop the talent and skills of the young.  Here in District 1175 we run an annual Rotary Youth Leadership Award programme (RYLA) which is the envy of many districts around the UK.  Then there are competitions such as "Young Chef", "Youth Speaks" and "Young Musician" to name but a few.
Find your local club and find out how you can make a difference

About Rotary pages:

Join us

more Making change, socialising and making new connections- What more could you want?

Working with Rotary

more How can you work with Rotary?

Paul Harris - our Founder
