
Spike Parker, President of the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge presenting a cheque for £1,000 for Wizzybug to Nigel Harris Director of Designability who manufacture it.

Spike said : " I started off my year by giving a donation to Wizzybug and it is wonderful that I can end the year in the same way. However these donations are only possible thanks to members of the public who support the functions our club run. Wizzybug is a wonderful cause, it is a fun and innovative powered wheelchair designed specifically for children under five. Even those as young as 14 months can operate its simple controls, allowing them to zip around with their peers, developing spatial awareness, social interaction and independence. It can be used indoors and out of doors in accessible areas such as level gardens, playgrounds and parks, enabling children to enjoy the experience of mobility with their “first wheels”. The Wizzybug addresses the needs of children with conditions such as cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, spina bifida and muscular dystrophy. They are built onsite in Bath using locally sourced components. I recommend their web site:


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