Community Award 2016

Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club Community Award 2016

community-1The Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club Community Award is intended to recognise those who give their time freely, selflessly and in so doing, make outstanding contributions to the wellbeing of their communities and the people within them. This year proved no exception.

8 Nominations were received this year from parishes within the Chew Valley, any of whom would have proved worthy winners in any other year. However one nomination, from Chew Magna Parish Council, stood above the others, that of Lynne Easton.

Thanks to Lynne’s energy and organisational skills, Chew Magna now has a formally adopted Emergency Flood Plan. To achieve this Lynne had to liaise with the Parish Council, the local Chew Valley Flood Forum, B&NES and the Environment Agency when organising a flood resilience practice day. A huge task ! In addition Lynne dedicates much time to the refurbishment of the King George V playing field in Chew Magna, working with Magna Minors and the infant school parents to get the best play equipment possible for the children.

With typical modesty, Lynne pointed out when receiving the award from President Jim Farmer, that she couldn’t have achieved any of this on her own and accepted the 2016 Rotary Club Community Award along with and on behalf of all of those who helped to make these initiatives possible.

Certificates of Recognition will shortly be presented to all of the other nominees.

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