
One of our seven Areas of Focus is Supporting the Environment. Clubs are active in finding ways we can do this in partnership with other clubs and organisations.

By helping to protect our natural world we support all our other Areas of Focus: 

  • promoting peace
  • fighting disease
  • providing clean water
  • saving mothers and children
  • supporting education 
  • growing local economies
  • as well as, of course, supporting the environment.

Perhaps you could organise a litter pick with a local organisation, business or school. Maybe it could be a monthly club activity in your local area. If you want some ideas on how to do this safely you could contact Clean Our Patch in Plymouth who have set up litter picking groups accross the city and supported picks with schools. Check out Keep Britain Tidy

There are so many ways to recycle now too, like recycling soft plastics also known as scrunchie plastics. If you need to use these single use plastics then keep them all together and more than likely you will find your local supermarket has a specific container for you to put them in. Use the store locator here. How many soft plastics do you use in a week?

Perhaps you could look after a patch of greenery in a local car park (with council permission)