Supporting RUHX - NHS Charity for RUH Bath

Martin Palmer, immediate Past President of the Chelwood Bridge Rotary presents a cheque for £2,000 to of the RUH Hospital, Bath. This is to support the continuing development of their robotic cancer unit. The unit aims to improve the effectiveness and throughput in the treatment of cancer patients, with the added benefit of greater speed in recovery, following surgery. 

Martin named RUHX as his charity for his Presidential year having received superb care from the Trust back in 2018. Accepting this donation, Ryannon Boyd, who runs RUHX, expressed her gratitude on behalf of the hospital. Ryannon then gave Chelwood Bridge Rotary a detailed, interesting and inspiring talk on the successful work already underway in the new unit. A place where some of the Country’s leading Cancer Consultant Surgeons, using robotics, are at work pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with this exciting new technology.

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