Lincolnshire Young Environmentalist Finals - 2024

The final for the 2024 Young Environmentalist took place at Whisby Nature Park on 24th June. The winning School Kirkby La Thorpe Primary Academy

  Exciting Finals of the Lincolnshire Young Environmentalists Award! 

We are thrilled to share the highlights from the finals of the Lincolnshire Young Environmentalists Award, held on May 22, 2024. Our thanks go to Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Pennells Garden Centres and FSS for their support and sponsorship. 
This year's competition was intense, with inspiring entries showcasing the passion and dedication of young environmentalists across the region.
Entries were from schools, an individual and a forest school which gave the judges a difficult time in deciding who should be the winner.

These incredible finalists showed outstanding creativity and commitment to positively impacting the environment. Their projects included innovative recycling programs, community clean-up initiatives, educational campaigns, and creative conservation efforts.
The final event celebrated their hard work and dedication, with each finalist presenting their projects to a panel of esteemed judges and an enthusiastic audience. The energy in the room was electric, and it was truly inspiring to see the next generation of environmental leaders in action.
A big congratulations to all the finalists for their incredible contributions. 
The final decision was between Washingborough Primary Academy School and Kirby La Thorpe Primary Academy, with Kirby La Thorpe winning by the smallest of margins. 
We look forward to an equally exciting event in 2025.
Photo's of the 6 finalist's

Kirkby La Thorpe Primary Academy - !st Prize

St Christopher's School

 Birchwood Junior School

Washingborough Academy

Mathew Ellerby

Humberside Wild

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Presentation of £25 voucher Sophie Vickers by Philip Dearden Lindum Lincoln Rotary Club

Young Chef Competition - Winner Sophie Vickers

Christmas Card 2023 for End Polio Now

End Polio Now Christmas Card 2023 We are delighted to enclose details of our ‘End Polio Now’ (EPN) 2023 Christmas Cards.

From left to right: -
Grace Sheppard aged 8, Bethany Sheppard aged 7,
Mason Bogg aged 7, Daisy Couzens aged 6, Arley Mehmet aged 10 and Brodie Trollope aged 9. 
Behind Sue Feary eco committee lead at the school

The final for the 2024 Young Environmentalist took place at Whisby Nature Park on 24th June. The winning School Kirkby La Thorpe Primary Academy


Lindum Lincoln Rotary Club supported the annual kids out event taking 60 pupils from St Christopher’s School together with their teachers and volunteer helpers to Sundown adventure park on June 14th.

Drought Relief Food Donation

The club has three current international projects


The Finals of the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards were held on 8th October at Whisby Nature Park


We have received this update from Peter Gitonga in Kenya on the Kalithera workshop supported by our friends at Meru Rotary Club
