Visit to Wolfsburg 2014

Tue, Apr 29th 2014 at 12:00 am -

Club visit to Wolfsburg to mark their 50th Anniversary

Club members please log in for more information.

Chris Buckingham wrote to Wolfsburg early in his year of Office in 1974 and Messrs Hohne, Schafer and Brehmer came to Luton on 10 February 1975 and attended our Club meeting on 11 February 1975. They were met at the airport by Ron Wright and when they arrived in Luton they met you in your Office as you were International Chairman at the time.  
A delegation from Luton North travelled to Wolfsburg on 25 May 1975. You went with Ron Silvester, Les Hedden and Pat Waller. 
The Wolfsburg/Meta link started in 1975.
In 1978 in Wolfsburg Madame Florentin acted as interpreter between German, English and French and a link was formed. In 1979 five couples from the Club visited Metz.
So far as I can see it was Bonhomie in Beaune during your year when the first Tripartite Meeting was held
Regular visits have been made over the years but this was a special occasion to mark the 50th Wolfsburg anniversary of the Club's Charter. 
Eight members of the Luton North Rotary Club together with their Partners went to Wolfsburg last week to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Wolfsburg.  Luton North have a well established twinned relationship with the Rotary Club of Wolfsburg that goes back to almost 40 years.
Most of the Luton North Rotarians arrived at Wolfsburg on Friday midday.  They were greeted by the President of the Rotary Club of Wolfsburg, other Rotarians and the local Press gave their arrival coverage in the evening Press.  
After checking in at their hotels they were taken around the Car Museum which stocks many very old and valuable cars in pristine condition.  They were also briefly shown around the massive VW Plant and the new Car Collection Centre.
In the evening Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Wolfsburg + Rotary Club of Austria and the Rotary Club of Luton North got together for an informal Dinner.  There were over 100 people in attendance on the evening.
On Saturday morning the Rotarians from Austria and Luton North were taken for a walk around and an Art Museum which all found very fascinating. 
The main event of the weekend was on Saturday evening when there were over 200 people in attendance from Wolfsburg + Austria + Luton North.  There were several dignitaries including Executives from the VW Plant and local Politicians and the Rotary District Governor .
After the usual speeches there was a very lavishly laid dinner where over 200 were in attendance.
All present were also shown around the Science Galleria which had some very fascinating things to be seen.
After a late breakfast on Sunday morning most of the Luton North members and their Partners made their way to Hannover where they spent a further day before coming back to Luton late last Monday night.
Rotarians from the Luton North Rotary Club are hoping for the Wolfsburg Rotarians and their Partners to visit Luton in early February 2015.  

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Presiden tGeoff presented Hazel Davies with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award

Lunch with wives, partners, and friends


Celebrating Rotary's 110 Anniversary - all 4 Luton Clubs presenting

Wolfsburg visit April 2014

Club visit to Wolfsburg to mark their 50th Anniversary

The Rotary Bandstand Wardown Park Luton

The bandstand is now complete and situated in the lovely Wardown Park, Luton


Photo's of visitors to the Club


Details Club Community and Vocational work

Ambulance for purchase to be converted as Mobile Clinic

Rotary Foundation - Rotary's own charity


Fellowship Committee


Membership matters-full club activity being encouraged


History highlights of Luton North Rotary Club on a year by year basis
