The following is a list of proposed projects and fundraising which the Community/Vocational Committee will be considering for the next Rotary year.
The Grocery Bonanza fundraising event will be held at Morrisons Supermarket on Thursday,10th and Friday, 11th October, 2013., for local charities.
The Literary High Tea will again be organised in March, 2014, to coincide with the Reivers Festival celebrations and held at the H.R.F.C. Clubrooms, at Mansfield Park.
The committee intend approaching Hawick High School for a combined cheese and wine fundraiser and continue the liaison between the two organisations.
The continued provision of medals to the P.6 / P.7 schools Swimming Gala will again be supported and fundraising has already taken place to cover this event.
The re-development of Wilton Lodge Park could allow the Club to approach the Council over either the adoption of the new bridge or the provision of trees to commemorate the Battle of Flodden in 1514.
Other matters were discussed and, as more information will be required before becoming involved, the committee will report back at a later date on any other commitments.
George Rennie, Convenor