Jim Walker: Derick Tait - Hawick Men's Shed

Thu, Dec 6th 2018 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Weekly meeting with guest speaker

At the recent meeting of the Rotary Club, Past President Jim Walker introduced the speaker Derick Tait who gave a most interesting and informative talk on Hawick's Men's Shed.  The idea of a Men's Shed started in Australia in the 1980's before being later introduced into the UK.  At present there are 98 Men's Sheds in Scotland with one in nearly every Border town.  Derick's research revealed that a Hawick Retired Men's Club was established in the 1950's that met in the Buccleuch Memorial and was organised by Hawick Rotary Club.
Hawick Men's Shed was established about 3 years ago, principally as a social venture where men could call in for a chat and a bit of company.  Members are now involved in the manufacture of bird boxes, planters, furniture restoration, picture framing, toy making and computing.  Donations of tools and materials are received from the people of Hawick when clearing out sheds and garages.  Derick stressed that they are not in competition to local businesses while they have done some recovering of seating for the Camera Club, the Burns Club and Johnston's of Elgin.  A group of ladies meet in the shed on Wednesday mornings to do embroidery.  The Hawick Men's Shed is located at 7 Lothian Street and is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm and Derick cordially invited anyone to come and see for themselves the excellent work that is being undertaken.  Derick ably answered several questions after which President Mairhi Trickett gave a warm vote of thanks.
President Mairhi and Vice President Linden Warburton presented Artbeat with a cheque for £510 being the proceeds of the raffle held recently at the Rotary President's night function.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


Enquiries regarding membership are always welcomed and should be e-mailed to secretary@hawickrotary.com
