Tramp the Tay 3

Wed, Aug 24th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

The club's 2011 sponsored walk was "Tramp the Tay 3" from Kenmore to Dundee.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Annual Dundee Cyclathon is the club's major fundraising event of the year. Visit our photo gallery for photos of recent Dundee Cyclathons.


The Fellowship Committee deals with the many and varied items not handled by other committees - Bulletin preparation, social functions, regaliia, house arrangements, outside visits, and many more.


If you are interested in finding out more about Claverhouse Rotary, please use the contact link below. Alternatively, you are very welcome to come along to one of our meetings or events.


Rotary Service Weblog


The Youth Development Committee arranges Youth Competitions and RYLA camp representation.
