Gus Neilson: Lisa Brydon - Volunteering at the Wilton Lodge Park Project

Thu, Aug 18th 2016 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Weekly meeting with guest speaker

At last week's meeting of the Rotary Club President Jim Walker welcomed members, and Past President Gus Neilson introduced the speaker Lisa Brydon, Volunteer Co-ordinator of the Wilton Park Project.  In an illustrated talk she described her role in the on-going development.  It has been funded over 5 years by a £3.5m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  The bandstand has been refurbished and the new cafe, bridge and children's play area will be in place in the near future.  She explained the Walled Garden improvements where, with the help of the volunteers, the vegetable sections are in place, and produce is being harvested from it.  The volunteers have contributed 3073 hours, an input valued at £62,275.  She works in liaison with the events manager and various projects have been held during the summer.  After an excellent talk which generated many questions, Gus Neilson gave the club's vote of thanks.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


Enquiries regarding membership are always welcomed and should be e-mailed to
