SGM Meeting

Thu, Nov 30th 2023 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our Annual SGM Meeting

ROTARY CLUB OF CHESTFIELD Notes of SGM held at The Plough 30 November 2023 Present: Robert, Spyros, Ian, Pippa, Lesley, Maureen, Pat, Kathy, Paul, Andrew B, Nick, Jean, Andrew M, Elaine, David M, Godfrey, Pete, Margaret, Sue. Visitors: DG Ray Seager and Mrs Caroline Seager Apologies: Dave C, David K, Chris, Hilary, Myfanwy, Reggie, Marian, Gerry. Grace: Given by Paul. President’s remarks: Pat welcomed everyone to the meeUng and confirmed the total raised at recent quiz night was £1365.34 The next quiz night is booked for April 2024 – date to be confirmed. Youth: Margaret reported that the young chef compeUUon with 3 parUcipants had gone well (number was down due to some going to the Canterbury Rotary compeUUon). The standard was high. Margaret thanked Godfrey’s daughter Claire for her experUse in the judging. The next level of the compeUUon is due between 14 and 24 February 2024 – it was pointed out that this is half term and Margaret is away. DG Ray stated he would look into the date and report back. Fundraising: All 3 District Grants have been approved – DSM is liaising with the 3 chariUes – Red Zebra, Canterbury Food Bank and Coats for Kids. Pat hoped we could conUnue to support the lader next year. Christmas Meal: 14 December 6.30pm for 7pm. At Whitstable Golf Club. Sue has it all in hand. InternaUonal: Andrew suggested donaUons be made as follows – Mercy Ships £250, proposed by Sue, seconded by Pat – Sreepur Village Bangladesh £250, proposed Andrew M, seconded by Margaret. All present agreed. Shelterbox – it was agreed to wait before making a donaUon at present. TWAM – Andrew is giving a talk to Come and Meet Each Other(Cameo) in February. A leder of thanks has been received from African Adventure regarding our recent donaUon. Community: Kathy is giving out her last cerUficates and regalia to Interact based at her school, before she reUres. Kathy was thanked for all the work she has done in this regard over the past 13 years. AOM: DSM confirmed that donaUons totalling £13,500 had been given so far this rear with £4500 pending. Spyros had donated medical supplies to Jacobs Well – items were to be sent to Ukraine. Pat has joined Yarnbombers and is crocheUng blankets for the homeless. The business of the SGM to elect members to various Club posi8ons for 2024/5was as follows: President - Sue Vice President – to be filled (all were asked to consider this role) Treasurer – David Mann Secretary – Dave Coupland Community – Kathy FoundaUon – Pat Fundraising – Godfrey InternaUonal – Andrew B Youth – Margaret PR/Comms – Robert Health and Safety – Paul Membership – Pete Master at Arms – Nick Environmental sustainability – Paul Meals – Robert Speaker finder – Chris Car parking – Paul Almoner – Pippa Proposed by Nick, seconded by David M – agreed by all. The social calendar will be a joint venture across all members. DG Ray addressed the Club: Project North Star RGBI – aim to increase membership is to receive £800,000 from RI for various iniUaUves. Corporate and Enterprise memberships are to be encouraged – Clubs will be able to hand over all the administraUon of these to Ulster based team. More informaUon to follow. Ray presented the club with 2 CerUficates - CitaUon Award and support for Polio. Ray then presented a Paul Harris Fellow Award to (a speechless) Pat – and she was commended for all her hard work and enthusiasm for the Club. Raffle: Won by Maureen Master at Arms: Nick did his usual on St Andrews Day Final toast: Given by Lesley Date and Ume of next meeUng: Thursday 7 December 7.45 for 8.00am at The Plough

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Our Club President for 2013/14


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