Presentation of Shield to Marches School for Rotary

Mon, Jan 28th 2013 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Dr John Cleaver catches up with James Evans to present him with the shield to accompany his "Service to School" award originally presented last November.

James and John
James and John

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that when Dr John Cleaver presented to Rotary Club of Oswestry "Service to School" Award to Jamie Evans last November Jamie had to make do with a handshake!

In the meantime, John has organised for a splendid shield to be awarded to recipients of the award going forward.

Taking advantage of his presence in the school for the recent Mock Interviews, John presented the shield to Jamie who had returned to his old school from college to receive the award in person.

The trophy will be displayed in school engraved with the winning student's name.

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